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What is physiotherapy?  As primary health care professionals, physiotherapists combine in-depth knowledge of how the body works with specialized hands-on clinical skills to assess, diagnose and treat symptoms of illness, injury or disability. With your independence in mind, a physiotherapist’s goal is to restore, maintain and maximize your strength, function, movement and overall well-being. Physiotherapists prescribe personalized therapeutic exercises, and provide essential education about the body, what keeps it from moving well, how to restore mobility and independence, and how to avoid or prevent bodily harm.

Physiotherapy is a practice of medicine in which physiotherapists work with a diverse client base of all ages with a wide variety of health conditions. Assessing their different needs related to mobility, physical function and movement is all part of physiotherapy and its goal to help others with injuries or conditions to live a more comfortable lifestyle. Several physical tests and measures are taken, and with strong clinical reasoning the physiotherapist will provide the client with a detailed diagnosis. In order to properly treat the diagnosis, physiotherapy works to plan treatments that are consistent with the patient’s goals and health conditions. All techniques used are critiqued by our experts and are supported with evidence as available. 

Physiotherapy has a variety of treatment methods focusing on rehabilitation, pain management and chronic conditions which are treated accordingly.  Physiotherapy education in Canada currently consists of a 4 year undergraduate university degree, followed by a 2-3 year Master of Physical Therapy university degree.  There are 13 accredited Physical Therapy programs in Canada.  Once convocation from university is completed, the aspiring Physical Therapist undergoes the licensing process.  The licence to practice in Saskatchewan is under the Physical Therapy Act and overseen by the Saskatchewan College of Physical Therapists.  For nearly the first year of practice, the College has a strict mentorship program before a fully practicing license is granted. 

Most of our physical therapists then continue with substantial post-graduate education to learn and practice a specialty area in physical therapy.  It is important to note that for the specialties below, while all physical therapists leave university with a base knowledge, years of post-graduate work and stringent examinations are required to work under the titles and niches outlined below:

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Jaw (TMD) Physio

The Temporomandibular Joint is a frequent source of pain or dysfunction, and is often generally diagnosed as “TMD” or Temporomandibular Dysfunction. 

A skilled Physical Therapist is equipped to assess, diagnose, treat & educate regarding the various presentations of TMD.

Common Symptoms:

  • Painful or clicking jaw
  • Jaw stuck open or closed
  • Muscular tension or fatigue through the cheeks 
  • or temple regions
  • Grinding teeth
  • Restricted range of motion of the jaw
  • Difficulty chewing food

These symptoms can appear either suddenly, or slowly over time for no apparent reason. They can also present with a sudden adolescent growth spurt, trauma to the face, sporting injuries, whiplash, or stress/anxiety resulting in tension and grinding.

Self Care Strategies:

  • Avoid hard or chewy foods, especially gum.
  • Correct neck posture.
  • Maintain a slight distance between the teeth in a rest position.
  • Avoid repetitive movements of the jaw.

Next Steps:

If you are concerned about any of the above symptoms, or other unlisted concerns, have a Physical Therapist with specific experience in treatment of TMD assess you to determine if you require a course of treatment and/or prescribe home based exercises and appropriate self-management strategies.

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Neuro Physio

For our friends and neighbours that have experienced a stroke, traumatic brain injury, or have been recently diagnosed with a neurological condition (Parkinsons, Multiple Sclerosis, etc), we have begun to offer private physiotherapy services.  These are not associated with the Saskatchewan Health Authority, and are fee for service.  You will be provided an official receipt for private insurance company reimbursement, if you have coverage.  Initially, we will be accepting patients that are no more than a one-person assist, and are moderate to high function in the community.  

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Pelvic Health Physio

Pelvic health physiotherapy is a specialized therapy for women and men with issues such as urinary and/or fecal incontinence or retention, pelvic organ prolapse, lumbopelvic and/or hip pain, tailbone pain, constipation, painful intercourse, diastasis recti, and perinatal conditions. We have a private, specialized assessment & treatment area at Brownstone Health. After filling our some paperwork which will help us gather information on your health history, you will meet your physiotherapist. During a typical first appointment, your physiotherapist will thoroughly discuss your condition and symptoms, followed by a physical assessment of external structures such as the back, hips and abdomen, possibly followed by an assessment of internal structures. An individualized treatment plan will then be developed which may consist of correctional exercises, hands-on treatment, education, and guidance in returning to functional and physical activities. Pelvic Health Physiotherapy is under the scope of a licensed physiotherapist, and your insurance receipt will be itemized for physiotherapy.

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Sport Physio

A Sport Physiotherapist plans, organizes the directs programmes of pre-season screening, first aid, rehabilitation, education and counseling for athletes, coaches and others concerned with sports. The Sport Physio may work directly with athletes or may undertake a consulting role for sports organizations. At Brownstone Health, we have one of the three formally credentialed Sport Physios in the southern half of Saskatchewan. Our training room program is the compilation of decades of hours spent on the sidelines, courts, polyclinics and medical tents throughout our province, country and internationally.

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Vestibular Dysfunction Physiotherapy 

Have you been feeling off balance, dizzy, or like the room was spinning? If so, your vestibular system could be the reason. The vestibular system located in the inner ear is responsible for your sense of balance. Along with vision & proprioception (your sense of where you are in space), the vestibular system gives your brain information on head position, movement, keeps you upright and helps with certain eye movements. 

Common Symptoms of Vestibular Malfunction:

  • Sense of the room spinning, or vertigo
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Imbalance
  • Falls

Many conditions can affect the inner ear and influence balance. Concussions, ear or throat infections, or even aging can cause vestibular dysfunction. BPPV, or benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, is the most common condition that can cause vertigo & imbalance. The most frequently described complaint of BPPV is dizziness and vertigo that gets worse with different head positions and slowly improves over 30-60 seconds.

If you or someone you know are concerned about any of the above symptoms, or other unlisted concerns, have one of our Physical Therapists with advanced training assess you to determine if you require a course of treatment and home exercises, or referral to another health professional.

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1455 Rose Street Regina, SK

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